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Simplifying fundraising for charities with Play Fund Win

Published:  Oct 17, 2024
  • Key takeaways
  • Anthony Rose
    CEO and Co-Founder
    Anthony Rose

    Co-Founder and CEO

    Play Fund Win helps mission-driven organisations focus on what matters most – making an impact. The platform simplifies fundraising for charities, sports clubs and foundations by making it quick and simple to raise money through raffles, games and competitions.

    SeedLegals Co-Founder and CEO, Anthony Rose, caught up with Play Fund Win’s Dean Lynn to learn how the platform evolved into a powerful tool streamlining fundraising for organisations short on time, resources and technical expertise.

    • Read transcript

      Anthony: Hello. In today’s founder interview with amazing founders we’re talking to Dean from Play Fund Win. I guess you can guess what it might be from the name. But Dean, hey, tell us more.

      Dean: Hey, I’m Dean. I’m one of the co-founders and CEO of Play Fund Win. We technically build a fundraising platform for – whether that’s charities, sports clubs or foundations – we utilise a multitude of different ways to help you fundraise for your cause.

      Anthony: Ok, so you’ve got a cause, you’re trying to sell raffle tickets, the whole thing’s enormously ad-hoc. You know my team at SeedLegals want to raise money for various charities and so on, and you’re telling me there’s actually now a platform for that. That’s amazing.

      So what’s the problem the problem that you’re solving and how many people are looking to use this?

      Dean: The initial idea was founded from the traditional 50/50 raffle that you would experience in a stadium environment and it’s evolved. So the problem that we’re solving is that a lot of charities or foundations or groups or organisations that have a need and they struggle to fundraise.

      So what we’re looking to become is the unified fundraising platform for good causes. How do we do that? That could be, as you mention, raffle tickets. We can help create engagement with either prizes or interactive games, skill-based games, competitions. Whether that’s in person or online. That’s where the platform’s evolved and like you say that sounds like chaos…

      So the idea is let technology do what it can do best – when it works. Technology can help assist those volunteer organisations that are time-sucked, money-sucked, lack the skills and Play Find Win has become this unified platform that will help those organisations achieve that result, which is something that’s fun, something that helps them raise money for their cause.

      Anthony: And it sounds like it’s something that’s good for the world.

      So what got you out of bed one day to go, I want to create this?

      Dean: So actually my story was actually not the founder idea. I actually achieved equity for building the MVP. I was the original co-founder CTO that built the initial product that passed commercial viability by running a draw in the Etihad Stadium for the 35th anniversary for Man City. That’s when my shares unlocked.

      Now, really tapping into why did I put my money where my mouth is, why did I put into the team, build the code? Well, I was always connected to the cause. I volunteered a lot of time for charitable and voluntary organisations. The biggest thing that I always came across was
      everyone is time strapped, money strapped and I actually felt connected that I could build something that became bigger than me, that could actually deliver true impact in those two areas that I personally experienced.

      So it’s a little bit that philanthropy kind of side. But actually when you hear some of these stories, it drives you to build a better product and as a founder yourself and building SeedLegals, I think you can relate to that. That’s what gets me up, especially those times when you go through all sorts of different issues. Remember the cause; remember why you do what you do.

      So in a long way, it’s connecting to the bigger purpose than me and knowing why we built this to help those people.

      Anthony: A thing that gets me out of bed in the morning is seeing lots and lots of people who are building their companies on what you are enabling and, you know, removing the friction from that. That’s fantastic.

      So where can people (whether you’re a charity or company looking to raise or you’re an investor) where can you go to find out more?

      Dean: Yeah so play fund or Google us. You’ll find us. Click the button Start Fundraising or hit me up on LinkedIn.

      Anthony: Alright Dean, thank you so much.

      Dean: Thank you, thanks

    Key takeaways

    The challenge: fundraising takes a huge amount of time and resources

    • Volunteer organisations are low on time, money and manpower
    • Raising money is absolutely fundamental, but hard and time-consuming to do

    Play Fund Win’s solution: a unified fundraising platform for good causes

    • Create engagement with raffles, prizes, interactive games, skill-based games, competitions – both in person and online
    • Easy to use to build fun ways to raise money for a good cause

    The why: the driving force behind Play Fund Win

    • While volunteering, Dean saw first-hand how cash-strapped and time-strapped organisations were
    • He felt the drive to build something bigger than him, that could actually deliver true impact
    • The satisfaction of continually building a better and better product spurs him on

    Want to hear more of Dean’s insights? Check out another of Dean’s projects, Onyxia

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