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Hero Founder Interviews Evaluatelocate
1 min read
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Assessing locations instantly with EvaluateLocate

Published:  Dec 16, 2024
  • Key takeaways
  • Anthony Rose
    Anthony Rose

    Location can make or break a business. But with so much data to sift through, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. That’s where EvaluateLocate comes in – a cutting-edge app that takes the guesswork out of location planning.

    In this interview, we sit down with Adam Kirby, co-founder of EvaluateLocate, to learn how his team is combining smart tech, hard data and a deep understanding of business to help companies make smarter, faster and more confident decisions.

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      Anthony: Hello, I’m Anthony from SeedLegals and I meet everyday amazing founders on SeedLegals. I’m here to help share their story.

      So today I’m talking to Adam from EvaluateLocate. Adam, tell me what you do.

      Adam: Thank you. It’s a spatial intelligence app. As the name would suggest, it allows anyone who needs to look at a location to evaluate that location instantly.

      Anthony: So you’re a shop, you want to set up a new store somewhere, you don’t know where to do it, you’re worried about picking a bad location where there’s no foot traffic.

      There were 75 different data sources before, and now you’ve got a platform that sorts that.

      Adam: Yeah, and not just that. We’ve got over 100 metrics already. That’s growing all the time. But the platform, the app, is available on any device, desktop app. It will allow you to, it will help to suggest what you maybe should be looking for as well, which is really important when people don’t – they’re maybe not data people. And that’s really a large part of what we do.

      Anthony: So it sounds a bit like an AI, a spatial version of AI. AI will predict, you know, the next sentence, you’re predicting the next hot location.

      Adam: Pretty much, yeah. I could talk about the maths all day, I won’t do that now, but there’s a lot going on behind the scenes, but what the user gets is essentially that it’s not just predicting the next word or someone’s opinion, giving you something that’s hard, solid data, great sources, it’s index-rated as well. So we rank in some sense every location, currently the UK, which are moving forward, which are moving back, and then why.

      So we give people an easy way to get into that.

      Anthony: So who would be your target audience? I mean, clearly we’ve seen in the last election, you know, parties trying to figure out where to put their money for voting. And, you know, sometimes based on a Gail’s restaurant, you could have given them a hundred factors to pick.

      Adam: I suppose, yeah. So you could follow your competitors or maybe you want to do the opposite of that. If you’re say, if you’re in business and you’re a competitor of Gail’s in that case, or maybe you’re Greggs, maybe you’ve got a different value proposition. Maybe you don’t know and actually you just want something to tell you what’s special about the places that worked for you in the past. It’s exactly that.

      So the use cases would be retail, as you say, real estate, massive, obvious part of that. There’s a huge amount of money riding on those negotiations and everything in between. Lenders, there’s a huge number of small to very large businesses with an exposure to locations.

      Anthony: Okay, sounds like serious maths and computers are needed. Tell me about yourself and the team.

      Adam: Well, I originally did a physics degree. I’ve got some public sector experience in civil service, about 10 years in B2B consultancy broadly. I met my co-founder, Duncan Lam, at my current previous job where we looked a lot actually at investment reports. Most of it was great and then the location section wasn’t. And Duncan’s background is in the real estate world. So together we’re a bit of a team to superpower our users in terms of knowing what the problem is and how technology can solve it.

      Anthony: It sounds amazing. How can people get in touch with you to learn more?

      Adam: It’s We’re online. I’m Adam Kirby on LinkedIn, and people can get in touch. And we’d love to hear from them if they’d like a trial of the app, which is live now.

      Anthony: Amazing. Thank you.

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    Key takeaways

    The problem

    • Picking the right location for a business is hard when you’re drowning in data and don’t know where to start
    • Most people aren’t data experts and find it tricky to make sense of complex location stats
    • Choosing the wrong spot can cost businesses a lot of money, especially in retail and real estate

    EvaluateLocate’s solution

    • EvaluateLocate is an app that helps you instantly figure out if a location is a good fit, using over 100 metrics that keep growing
    • It’s easy to use, works on any device, and guides you through the data to find the insights you need
    • Gives you solid facts from reliable sources, ranking locations to show which ones are on the up, which ones aren’t and why
    • Perfect for things like picking retail locations, managing real estate deals or figuring out where your competitors are succeeding

    Why it matters

    • Helps businesses make smarter decisions and avoid costly mistakes
    • Created by a team with a mix of physics, consultancy and real estate expertise, so they really get the challenges you’re facing
    • The app is live now and ready to try if you want to see how it can make your life easier
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